Gospel-Driven Encouragement
Today I want to share a podcast that has given me much joy, encouragement, and guidance not only in my journey of becoming a homemaker but has also provided wisdom for my spiritual life.
This podcast titled Thankful Homemaker features host Marci Farrell at the helm. Through this podcast, Marci provides “gospel-driven encouragement to each other in the role that the Lord has called us to as women, wives, and mothers as we talk about how God’s Word impacts every area of our lives as Christian women.”
You can also download her podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or iHeart Radio.
Marriage Series
I absolutely loved her Marriage Series. In a world where everyone is afraid to speak Biblical truths with any sort of conviction, Marci stands firm on the Word and its blueprint for the marriage relationship.
The Thankful Homemaker being primarily a podcast and blog for women, wives, mothers, this series largely covers the wife’s role to the exclusion of the husband’s. Our focus as wives should be first and foremost how we can become more faithful followers of Christ, and better wives as a result. The aim should not be how we can change our husbands to fit our personal preferences. Ouch, I know. But we get better results when we submit to the Word of God in the other areas of our lives. Why not give it a try regarding the most important relationship we have Earthside?
Her article on How Well Do You Love Your Spouse? could offer just the insight you need to put the spark back in your marriage (or keep it going strong). I’d say my favorite line is, “We all fall short, but God doesn’t lower the standard just because we don’t reach it.” How convicting, yet also comforting.
In her Marriage Series, Marci covers God’s design for marriage, sexual intimacy, Biblical submission, and more. If you’re looking for a comprehensive study on marriage, The Thankful Homemaker’s Marriage Series is a fantastic place to start!
I also greatly enjoyed her podcast episode on Cherishing Your Husband. The episode is kinda short but offers a ton of encouragement to wives. If you’ve been going through a rough patch and are having trouble recalling why you ever wanted to marry the man looking back at you, I encourage you to take a listen. You might just walk away falling in love with your husband again!
Sermon on the Mount Series
This series has been close to 3 years in the making… and she’s almost at the end. Marci covers every verse in the Sermon on the Mount in great detail. She bases the series on a book by Dr. Marten Lloyd-Jones titled Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. Every episode includes details of this Sermon that I had previously overlooked. Anyone looking to be more like Jesus, as all Christians were called, would gain from listening to this series.
With so many accolades to give this series, I will sum it up with a quote from the author of the book:
“Here is the life to which we are called, and I maintain again that if only every Christian in the Church today were living the Sermon on the Mount, the great revival for which we are praying and longing would already have started. Amazing and astounding things would happen; the world would be shocked, and men and women would be drawn and attracted to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”
~Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Studies in the Sermon on the Mount
Call to Action
If you are also encouraged by Thankful Homemaker, tell us your favorite episode or series. What messages stand out to you? How has her influence improved your life and relationships? What homemaking podcasts do you listen to? Comment below!
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