How This Whole Thing Got Started
Maybe you’re wondering where I got the idea to leave my cushy corporate banking job and start a blog, and maybe you’re not. Either way, keep reading and you’ll find out.
So, there I was, newborn in hand, house unraveling around me. It seems this one doesn’t take to being put down. Shocking. Okay, not actually. Still, I had to find a way to keep him happy while also maintaining the rest of the family.
I decided that wearing him would be my best bet so I took to YouTube, seeking out reviews on all my options. That is where I found Lisa from the blog Farmhouse on Boone. Her review on the best baby carriers helped me decide on which to buy for my tiny one.
Lisa likes to say that if you have a post you want to write that is different from your typical content, go ahead and publish it. It might well be the post that draws an entirely new audience to your site/channel.
An Unlikely Genesis
That is exactly what happened here. The baby carrier article – which is not her typical content – got me to her site, but it was the similarities in our family size (at the time) and the fact that her way of life is my vision for where our family is heading. The natural living, from-scratch cooking, and handmade home that she promotes is precisely where I want our family to end up. However, I knew there were parts of the homemade lifestyle that I would never get, like being a stay-at-home mom and homeschooling.
Watching her videos, I quickly realize: she talks a lot about blogging. And how they brought her husband home from his full-time job to come work on the blog. That they replaced his income via the blog. And it started to feel like maybe I can do it too. Why not? She did it.
I Was Made For More
I knew that banking was not where I belonged. From the day I started that job, I knew it was not where I was to end up. With the new baby, it felt like the time had come for me to make some changes. So, I prayed about it. A lot. Over time, one thought overtook my mind and emotions: There is no way God blessed me with all these kids so that I could spend a good portion of our income to pay someone else to spend most of their waking hours with them. I could not get that thought out of my head. I started to seriously dread my job. The same job I used to enjoy not so long before. More and more, the Lord allowed me to feel discomfort enough that I knew I had to make a change.
As it turns out, Lisa has a course on blogging. We decided it would be a wise investment and boy, was it ever! I learned so much from her course. I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to start a blog with zero experience. She goes over everything you need to know to get a blog up and running, plus teaches on a breadth of topics in the realm of blogging that will save anyone just starting out a ton of time and trouble.
And Now We Are Here
There you have it, the origin of this blog. Where it will end up, God only knows. I only hope to provide the same amount of value as Lisa does on her blog, YouTube channel, and podcast. She has content on tons of topics related to a simple farmhouse life. Her content has enriched our lives in many ways, from her podcast episodes talking about the entrepreneur side, to her zillion sourdough recipes on her blog, and the “week in the life” videos on YouTube. She also has everything in between across all media, so check them all out! You will surely be blessed by her content.
If you love her blog, let me know! If you are already up on her content, let me know that too! And tell me which other online personality has impacted your life the most, or just has good content.
With love,
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